Saturday, April 24, 2010

A Specific Sign

When anyone passes away in my family I get scared. To be specific, I sleep with the lights on and worry that they might communicate in some paranormal way, ie I'll see their ghost. Sure, it could be considered paranoia... paranormal paranoia I guess. My psyche needs some sort of solace to know that they're ok, and that they've crossed over (Thank you, John Edwards).

I admitted my fear to Star and she suggested that I ask for a sign. One afternoon, shortly after my Uncle passed away, I asked for a sign and made it as specific as possible. It had to be something that reminded me of him. That was my thought, and it made sense at the time. He was awarded the Purple Heart in Vietnam so that was the sign. It could be a heart that was purple like a sticker, baloon, whatever. That was ok with me. I shared with my Aunt, his wife, one day over the phone. She, too, was looking for a sign of her own.

About a month later, my friend showed up at the door. She was sweaty and irritated. "I'm trying to mail this thing off, and all I wanted was a few stamps. They were all out of the ones I wanted. They only had these!" There, in her grip, was a page of Purple Hearts. Not just any heart, THE PURPLE HEART MEDAL. I traded a few stamps withher and immediately sent my aunt a letter with the stamp right on the front.

To this day, I think of him when I see that symbol, and it helps me know that he's with me.

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