Monday, April 26, 2010

If I Could Live to be 100 ~ By Sarah

If I Could Live to be 100
By Sarah M.

If I could live to be 100, there is nothing more that I would want than I have today...

If I could have sung at Carnegie Hall, I would have, instead, my sister and I had a concert for my parents in the living room, and there were songs sung in cars on trips, and melodies sung in bathtubs by moonlight and candlelight, and that is enough.

If I could have written and published a book with my life story and some poems and thoughts about my life and those who shaped it, I would have. Instead, I have written e-mails and letters and cards to those I have entrusted with my heart that tells a story of sorts and that is enough.

If I could have had as many children as God would give me to fill a house and make it a home, I would have. Instead we have three in Heave, and I became a Godmother and I have the opportunity to love nieces and nephews that have grown from children into men and women and that is enough.

If I could have, I would have traveled to every town and city in every country, and experienced a day in the life of the world. Instead, I have had a handful of wonderful adventures, gifted to me and by my parents and friends, some in far away places, and some right here at home, and that is enough.

If I could have gone to a great University and done something big to change the world, I would have. Instead, I went to State College, met the man of my dreams, became a wife, grew into a woman of faith, and saw that I could change the world just by being myself, and loving those that I am lucky enough to call my family and friends, and that is enough.

If I could have gone to cooking school in France and learned to concoct food that would melt the mouths of the Western World, I would have. Instead, I learned to peel an apple in one long strand, and make a pie crust that made my Ma proud, and that is enough.

If I could have painted tapestries and canvases as large as the sky, I would have. Instead I paint ceramics and rocks and tiny pots to give to those I know and love, and that is enough.

Is there anything else that I have not done that I wish I could? Would I climb Mt. Everest or visit more far off places or learn more languages or read more books? Probably, if I could. Instead, what I would want most of all is to gather with everyone I know and to share a meal and some stories and some songs and celebrate the life we have lived together and still live today. And that would be enough.

1 comment:

  1. sometimes it is only when we are dying young that we find the secret of life...sarah did, and this deeply poetic essay portrays wisdom beyond her years...thank you for sharing it...
