Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Acting Bug

Ever since I can remember, I've had the acting bug. My sister and I wrote a series of Sherlock Holmes Mystery plays (before Robert Downey Jr. made it cool). We recruited our cousins, made our own props and costumes. Our first play was called The Scarlet Knife. Not bad a couple of kids under 10.

When AJ told me she was taking an acting class... I couldn't contain my enthusiasm. Our first class was last week and we're both having a good time to and from class singing in the car, trying out our accents, and skipping Wizard-of-Oz style from the parking lot to the classroom.

Inside is another matter. Suddenly, we become shy and nervous. This wave of terror filled me when I realized it was soon my turn to do a 2 minute bit on using an object to recreate a daily activity. AJ was having similar feelings. I thought she did a great job though.

On the way home, our song came on the radio! We blasted Hey Soul Sister and sang at the top of our lungs in loving honor and memory of Sarah. I can't help but think she is watching us silly girls and perhaps singing right along with us. I hope so from the bottom of my heart.

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