Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Jade Buddha

Two days after the Lunar New Year (celebrated this year on February 14th) I went to a Buddhist Monastery in Escondido. My friend had recommended that I go to see the Jade Buddha that was on display and touring the world. It is a statue carved out of gem quality jade found in the mountains of upper British Columbia. It was commissioned to represent and spread Universal Peace.

The whole thought around it made me curious and I thought it would be an excellent outing for Sarah and I.

While there, I visited the other statues on the grounds before reaching the magnificent Buddha. I could see him situated regally beneath a red pagoda. The color was so dark that it looked almost black. The golden head shined brightly with a halo disk beaming behind it.

I gathered with the crowed in front of it while an announcer led the prayers in Vietnamese and Chinese. Towards the end, I recognized one word, 'sun'. Not because I can translate, but because they were actually saying 'sun' over and over again.

Just off to the west the sun was shining brightly between the trees. One woman next to me was kind enough to translate the rest. "Look, look. The sun. See how it is green in the center?"

I shook my head. I didn't see the green center, nor did I care to lie. She persisted by pointing and repeating. "See here. Look here." She moved me in front of her so that I could see from her perspective. Just then, I saw it. The green center, a yellow halo, and many colors radiating outwards. The sun was pulsating.

"It's a miracle... a very very good sign!" She told me emphatically.
"We could all use one," I replied.

We stared for what felt like a half hour, but was only just a few minutes. It dawned on me that I should take a picture... wait no... a video. My phone could record and so could my digi-cam. As of right now, I haven't uploaded it to YouTube, but I plan to do that in the next few days so I can share what my friend, Star, titles The Miracle of the Sun.

... And at last I learned how upload videos to the wonderful world of YouTube. Enjoy! (5/27/10)

1 comment:

  1. can't wait to see it again! it was truly amazing on your camera...it filled the whole screen when it pulsed...i've never seen anything like it!
