Monday, March 15, 2010

Happy Bithday Mom!

Today is my Mom's birthday. I baked her a lemon cake, Ina Garten's recipe. It called for a full 1/3 cup of lemon zest. Anyone who's ever zested a lemon (or any citrus for that matter) knows just how much comes off the fruit... not a whole lot. About 4 healthy sized lemons and I was just about there.

This was my first time baking it and decided a bunt pan would make the cake look fabulous! Well... I underestimated the amount of greasing goes into it. The lemon cake stuck. I mean the whole top came off! It was like I'd scalped the thing.

Anywho, I made some lovely icing and chopped up a few strawberries. Badda-bing and you've got a semi-fresh looking cake. Luckily, it tasted better than I had expected.

I wonder if Sarah had any baking blunders...

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