Saturday, October 6, 2012

Breaking Free

Well friends, it's Fall. In San Diego, the seasons aren't so drastic or visible in the weather. It is cooler, oh thank the heavens! However, just about everyone I know is going through some sort of major change in their life. There are break-ups, hook-ups, moves, career changes, and more.

In my corner of the universe, I've decided it's time for a change as well. As many of you know for the last I've been taking care of my Grandma. The emotional energy it takes to be there for someone in need is tremendous. I came to ya'll for support, love, to kvetch, or all of the above.  Heck, I even vented on this blog!

I want to thank you for being there. For replenishing me, relieving me from my inner guilt and frustration. Nothing could have given me the power and courage to move forward like my friends. How funny that 'I Want to Break Free' from Queen just came up on my internet radio.

My seat's been taken by
some sunglasses :)
So what will I be doing next? I made friends with a gentleman who runs a software company just up the street from me, and simply asked for a job. Wait... I think I asked for a job and then made friends.So excited that my commute with be 3 minutes by foot. Honestly, it would take longer to get in my car, drive, and re-park.

In other news - I'm Volunteering for Words Alive, an org dedicated to literacy. Also became a member of the Society for Children's Book Writers and Illustrators. I'm almost done with my curriculum to teach a class on Japanese Culture and Crafts. Hope to start that all November/December.

It literally feels like my life is one big collage or puzzle. So many different parts that I want to put together, that it's hard to slow myself down long enough to concentrate. That's one of the biggest beasts in my closet. I don't know if it's just the Sagittarius in me or a mix of ADD and my quirks all in one. When at work, I'm often hyper-focused but when it comes to my life... it's another story.

Whether you're going through a major life change or simply having a change in perspective we're all in this together.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

I Was Here

So I'm watching Julie/Julia cause it just so happens to be on TV... what perfect timing to remind me about posting to my oh-so-neglected blog. To give you a poor excuse, I was off like a rocket camping, flying to New York (again), and participating in the UNESCO International Leadership Training at the University of Connecticut.  [UNESCO = United Nations Education Scientific & Cultural Organization]

It all came together like a this. I wanted 3 things that were seemingly mutually exclusive:  spiritual retreat, to see my family, and learn about human rights on a global level. All were happening at the same time. In true Annie fashion ~ I wanted my cake and to eat it too. From reading Eat, Pray, Love the second time, I discovered that Elizabeth Gilbert suffered a similar dilemma. Instead of sacrificing one for the other, she went to followed her stomach, soul, and sex-drive to Italy, India, and Indonesia. 

Inspired, I too fashioned a unique 18-day travel extravaganza. The breakdown is as follows:

3 days of meditation retreat in Julian 
5 days of New York City with sister, brother-in-law and nephew 
10 days of intense leadership training with 65 participants from over 55 countries. 

Check us out! By the way, I'm in the front row, 5th from the right... and sorry whomever I'm blocking with my head. 

It honestly felt like being at the Olympics with the overwhelming amount of cultural diversity (or an average day in Queens, NY~ I'm not being facetious... statistics show that Queens is in fact the most diverse city in the world). 

See all of our fun name tags? On it was our name and country of origin. It was like opening a present every time you met someone. Super fun highlight!!! We took a field-trip the the United Nations headquarters. They wouldn't let us into the General Assembly because Beyonce was practicing her song 'I Was Here' for World Humanitarian Day (AND WE HEARD HER).  

What I didn't expect was the amount of love and camaraderie I felt. They told us we would become family , and well... we did. Guess what?! I had a dream about a reunion and two days later, they're planning one. I've always dreamed of doing something like this, of interacting with people from around the world to do something for the greater good. I dreamed it, and I was here.   

Monday, June 4, 2012

What a Wonderful World.

Summer is almost here. In one week I'll be finishing up aftercare at All Hallows and saying goodbye to the kids.  It's crazy, you never realize how much you love a job until you're about to leave it. I've been so busy planning my future, looking at the next step that I forgot to look at what's right in front of me.

The kids really got under my skin and in my heart. It's hard to describe except... they become like your own. I'm sure many of you have experienced this and know exactly what mean.

It really doesn't help the fact that I'm listening to 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow/What a Wonderful World' by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole. (Dang that's a long last name!) Makes me cry every time, and I was already crying. Does that even count? How does this happen? Does my computer sense the emotional state that I'm in and send heart-wrenching songs my way? Yes... it magically does.

Speaking of magic. I'm working on publishing my book, The Golden Fish. It's a true story magic of dreams coming true.

They certainly do. My friends, family, being in San Diego, teaching, my studio (and now I'm back in it!), having a book and a blog... it's all a dream come true. I even have a little daydream about Sarah. That she is watching over me and really diggin' what I write. Like somehow, some way she gets my posts. And when I put the magic sunglasses on, she sees the world through my eyes.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Baby in the City

Over the Spring Break, I met my nephew for the first time. Just a quick flight to New York, and there I was in Auntie-ville. Can't tell you how many times I cried in such a short period of time. Just how emotional can one person be for crying-out-loud.... literally. With an face like this, who can blame me?

Also flying into town, the notorious K-I-R-A. My darling and quite hilarious cousin now hailing from North Carolina. I swear, every time we get together I dang near pee my pants. (Please don't make me recount our adventures at Clothes Time when I had to walk up the hill in wet shorts). When I was little, I used to pack an extra pair of underwear when I spent the night my cousins' house.

We shared diaper-changing duty, bath fun, and passing him back and fourth like a hot-potato for fussy-time right before a nap. Our hearts grew to the size of giant sequoias in an instant just looking at our little fella. He's quite the charmer.

Kira & Annie on the HighLINE
Kira and I ventured to the High Line, a old raised train track turned into a park and promenade. We ate fab food over in the Upper-something side of Manhattan, and dove into Chelsea's Market just hoping for a look into the Food Network Headquarters.

Over the weekend, we got a chance to kidnap momma Lindsey (OMG my sister is a mother! I just realized that means she can officially celebrate Mother's Day). We went to the MET and even ran into a celebrity while we were there. Adam Savage from Myth Busters. For those who watch the show, but don't know which guy he is... he's the one without the handlebar mustache. For Easter we practiced the family tradition of stuffing plastic eggs with candy while Brian, Lindsey's husband, hid them for us inside their Queen's apartment. Normally we do this in a backyard somewhere, but it we'll take an egg hung any way we can get one. And yes... we're still hunting for Easter Eggs in our 30s. Despite the fact that we ate dim sum that morning, we still had room for excessive amounts of chocolate and jellybeans.

Just writing this is making me tear up again with all the pics and missing my 'Sweet Nugget' nephew. Wishing I could somehow fly to Queens just to give him a kiss goodnight. It's all good... big sista momma's coming to San Diego in August. I'm counting down the days. Only 4 months, 1 week, and 2 days left to go.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Two years O'Bloggin

Today marks the second year anniversary of this blog. I didn't realize it until now... almost 11pm. Better late than never. The glasses are currently perched neatly in front of my sweet little made-in-China and distributed by Target - Buddha fountain. Did I put them there, or did my friend, Star, who came to see me this afternoon? Ah the mystery.

It helped remind me about today. I fully realized it when I wrote the date in my journal I was about to write 2007 for the year. Must be uber tired.

I wish I had something impressive to say about my reflections on these two years. There have been so many changes, and new babies and marriages and the like. In case you haven't noticed, I'm a bit slow in that department. And yet here I am, 30 years old, living a simple life that I'm proud of. No fancy house, or career ~ just the necessities and the beauty that it brings.

Thought of all the things I used to wish for and thought I may well have at age 30: a mansion, an office in a high-rise, a dog and a cat, a husband, maybe a baby on the way.

Being here - I live in a studio, my office is a playground, I'll pet-sit, a date is great, and kids are a distant thought. And I love the now ~ Who woulda thunk it??? Who knows about the future because ' now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness to just be happy.' ~Guillaume Apollinaire

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Peace to DC and Beyond! ~ With the link ;)

Hello friends,

Sorry for not including the link before ~ here you go!
I cannot tell you how much asking for $$$ scares me, and yet... I'm always fundraising. I think in life it's a good think to face fears head on, or at least look through the peephole first before opening the door.

This entry is dedicated to another person I've never met. Her name is Sierra ~ very similar to Sarah. She's a young girl selected by Kids for Peace to be sponsored to go to Washington DC on the Peace Pledge Tour. I'm helping her personally by setting up a page where people can donate or simply spread the link on their facebook. Simple as that.

Breaking it down ~ If 50 of my friends donated only $10, then we would make the goal and Sierra experience spreading peace in a way that will shape her future and perhaps the future of many others.  

What is the Peace Pledge?
I pledge to use my words to speak in a kind way.
I pledge to help others as I go throughout my day.
I pledge to care for our earth with my healing heart and hands.
I pledge to respect people in each and every land.
I pledge to join together as we unite the big and small.
I pledge to do my part to create peace for one and all.

What is the tour about?
Kids for Peace members from all over the United States will unite to present our Peace Pledge to Congress as well as other important sites throughout DC. The children will present at all the major Memorials, the US Holocaust Museum, the Kenyan Embassy, the Institute of Peace, a homeless shelter and The White House.  An inspirational documentary will be created about the DC Peace Pledge Tour and shared world-wide.

Thank you for spreading the peace!


Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Way of Tea & How to Get a Koi Kiss

So here's my friend, the golden koi in the Japanese Friendship Garden in Balboa Park ~ through Sarah's fancy sunglasses. This isn't the first time I've blogged about this Garden. Last time, I was watching a Tea Ceremony... this year I'm learning how to do one, and I'm totally geeking out over it!

Yes my friends, I am taking a class on how to serve tea. It's actually called 'The Way of Tea'. There are 4 classes total each one is an hour. So far, we've learned how to fold a 'fukusa' or napkin (that only took a half hour and I still don't have it down). I can also bow, receive a cup of tea, and eat a sweet. Don't ask me how to make the tea... I just know there's whisking involved and somehow you use a very thin bamboo rod that looks like a miniature hokey stick in order to transfer your high-grade matcha green tea powder into a ceramic cup without spilling a gram.

Anywho... after the class I got to feed the fishies with a new friend and fellow tea geek. The way of feeding the koi isn't as ceremonial, but I'm sure you could come up with one. Place pellets in hand and close hand. Submerse in water. Let fish approach and suck it out of hand, slowly releasing the food. Fishy kisses :)

The garden is on its way to completing an expansion that will nearly triple area they currently occupy. More paths to meander, more rocks to ponder, and plenty of grafted cherry trees (because we don't have winters cool enough for their liking). So the trunks are actually apple, only the branches are the cherry part. That reminds me of a grafting experiment that my Grandpa did in his backyard. He put together a variety of branches and called it a fruit salad. I'm amazed it worked.

Domo arigato gazaimasu ~