Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas!!! Feliz Navidad!!! Joyeux Noel!!!

It does not matter what is beyond or at the very end of a rainbow... it's what's underneath that truly counts.
~Anne Macpherson 

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good day!! So here we are, another year and another Christmas. One gift I'm thankful for is our new wireless internet connection ~ requested by my Dad and hooked up by my brother-in-law. We Macphersons may actually be moving towards our second technological boom... where skyping happens on a regular basis and Annie blogs from her living room. The first happened when we bought a CD player. Let's just say... it's been a while.

Other than material gifts this year, I've had so many that came in all forms. I am enjoying the gift of health, and one of my friends who was on the verge of surgery miraculously improved. I also had a huge gift of creativity this year and received a deluge of love and support from family and friends. This blog has been another gift that continues to give me the writing satisfaction I so crave... plus the lovely "Publish Post" button that allows me instant gratification!!! Horray ;) In addition, it gave me a way of bench marking my life this year. Reflecting is one means I use for growth. Especially when I make a mistake or two... or 20,000.

Speaking of reflection... on a magical day this week when it was particularly rainy, a rainbow appeared in my backyard. I'm always amazed by the simplicity of the sun's light reflecting off the drops of rain that form a magnificent perfect multi-color halo. So when I look back on all of my moments, colors, and those little twists of fate this year ~ I see a rainbow ~ I see myself ~ I see all of you.

From our home to yours ~ Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Feliz Cumpleanos to Me :)

So it's my birthday, December 18, and I'm now 29. One step closer to the big 3-0. You know what folks? I actually feel younger. It's a miracle! I can honestly say that because last year I felt pretty old. Depressed was more like it, and that can make you feel ancient at any age.

I pre-celebrated last night by going to a Vietnamese restaurant for the big cat fish fry. Say that three times fast. So you get this big fish on a giant platter...ain't he a beaut? And then some salads on the sides. Ok, they're really not salads. Just platters with all the fixins for your spring rolls your gonna make. I was chatting up a storm while preparing one of the rice wraps and didn't notice it was sticking to itself. It ended up looking like a used contraceptive. Icky, hilarious, and totally non-reusable.

After the fish fry, my girls and I went to Vin de Syrah in downtown. If you haven't been... GO! The coolest bar ever. The interior is done in the style of Alice in Wonderland meets Marry Poppins and Pirates of the Caribbean. I know right! Now you're Davy Jonesin to go ;)

Le, Bithday Gal, and Shirley
FYI - I LOVE ALICE. She's my favorite Disney character of all time, favorite movie of all time, ffavorite costume of all time. What I like about her is that she's not a princess. She's just a curious girl with a great sense of adventure. Alice has a strong sense of self and learns about her own power and ends up standing up to the tyrant of Wonderland.

Turns out I met the designer about a month or so back. He's a cool, down-to-earth very nice person, and did quite of few of San Diego's up-and-coming places like Analog (formerly Mr. Tiki's) and the Pearl Hotel. For the Alice in you... follow this white rabbit link ~ 

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Become Unstuck ~ HOW?

Tonight I had a talk with a new friend. Sometimes, when we try to forget someone or move one... that's when it digs in even deeper. I've been there... in fact, I'm still there, and the sad thing is that I'm not alone. There are a ca-gillion of us who are stuck on someone.

I've been stuck for about seven months on a guy. It sucks ass!!! Some of my friends and readers out there have been stuck for that long if not longer. So what do you do? What can you do? I'm miserable and totally exhausted. Every day I fight myself on this and get no where. It's like I think I deserve to be lonely.

That's not entirely true. This year has just been one big change of focus. To see what mistakes I've been making in the past and try a new route. I want to know what is really me, really and truly my personality and not just insecurity, pride, and overcompensation.

The only thing I can do is promise myself that things will get better. That's the only thing that's gotten me this far. I was asked recently if I censor myself on my blog. Answer: YES! We all censor ourselves when we talk and write. Some people are better at telling the truth and not holding back. This post and song is for you! Thank you for making me stronger.