Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Vegin Out

Hi Ya'll,

I'm on a blogging binge! Something inside me just wants to express... so here I am writing again. Yesterday, Sarah and I went pick up box of vegetables delivered from our local grower - The Be Wise Ranch. I have to give them so much love and props for being a source of health and happiness. Check 'em out San Diego! It's all about 'Community Supported Agriculture'.

So here's the deal: you get on the list, they drop off somewhere in your neighborhood every 2 weeks on Monday. You can opt for a large or small box. (Just a tip - small is plenty for a 4 person family) My parents and I share and we always have carrots to spare.

You get fresh fruits and vegetables - whatever is in season. Don't be that uptight picky person who wants what they want when they want it... just go with the flow. You may find yourself using epicurious.com to figure out what leek and cabbage recipes are out there. You'll be surprised!

To further promote my health and well being, I like to walk. It's downhill on the way, uphill returning. Ok, so you can imagine I've got my bags of veggies with me and I'm hauling them back up the widow-maker (as my friend, Brett, likes to call especially steep hills). No need to imagine! I provide evidence of my efforts. Voi la! Don't I look cute as a button? Some nice neighbor man took my picture. Thank you kind Sir!

Ok, so this house that I'm standing in front of planted fake flowers in their front yard. What's up with that? Who knows. We'll just let that one slide, and keep marching upward.
When you finally get home, you are handsomely rewarded with a rich assortment. A bounty! This time I had 3 packs of blackberries (OMG so good!), nectarines, yellow squash, cabbage, carrots, avocados, beets, oranges, cilantro, and that's just what I can remember off the top of my head. So enough... you know what to do - go get you some! Sarah says :o)

(Picture not taken from most recent box. Fall photo - ahh look at those persimmons. Oy!) 

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