Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July!!!

Happy 4th of July to ya'll! Well everyone is in town and I mean EVERYONE. My family comes together for this special time of year to celebrate at my house with a glorioso delicioco taco fest. No... we are not a hamburgers and hot dogs family. We love the tacos, the homemade guacamole and salsa, and plenty of chicken enchiladas.... enough to make this gringo family's mouth water.

So here's the breakdown: We have my sister and her husband flying in from New York (Represent)
My mom's oldest brother and his wife and two kids from North Carolina (What What?)
And my mom's youngest sister and her husband from Oregon (Ya heard?)

We're sad this year that some of my cousins aren't able to make it, but they are here in spirit for sure - we'll eat an extra taco in their honor!

As for the firework extravaganza... we'll be headed - in true family tradition - to the Coronado golf course. The display is shot out of Glorietta Bay. One year, the barge caught on fire. All of the fireworks lit at once and the finale was so fantastic, but over all too soon ;)

Last night the family went to the Padres game. Thank goodness we won because I need some home-team pride to last me through the weekend.

Special BIRTHDAY SHOUT OUTS to: Darcy, Lindsey, and my Uncle Tom.

I'm off to get a margarita!

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