Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Hey Soul Sista!

One day, not too long ago, I was cleaning out my closet. It's a walk-in (when clean), but hadn't been one since I had so much junk clogging the floor, shelves, and drawers. It was time for a makeover. I made such a mess trying to clear it out! You know how it goes... it'll get worse before it gets better.

Stuff went on the bed, in the trash, and in every corner of my room. To get me in the mood, I put on this song by Train. Hey Soul Sister. Recently, it became my theme song for this blog. I thought of AJ and how she called Sarah her soul sister. I thought about cleaning as a metaphor for life and our souls. The crap we try to fill it with and cling onto. The mess we ignore on a daily basis...the mess I had ignored since way before Christmas.

It's hard enough cleaning your own closet. It's even harder when it's someone you loved.

I thought about Sarah's closet. What did her loved ones do? I thought about the tears, laughs, memories, and the part when you lay down on the floor... not wanting to go through andymore stuff or pain. What did they save, throw away, and pass on? I thought about her glasses and how they came to me.

My mom cleaned her mother's closet after she passed. I think my aunt helped her. I wasn't there, but I know it was hard. Perhaps one of the hardest things she's ever done. She kept one of Grandma's sweaters. It still had the rubber bands around the cuffs she used to keep them from sliding. Grandma had this perfume she wore, Tabu. Whenever I smell it I can see her curly hair and hear her call me Sweetie Patoot. I can see her beautiful, small hands cut open a little vitamin-e capsule and put it on my skinned knee with a band-aid. She always had a way of saving the day and caring for each of her grandchildren.

AJ shares this theme song with me. I hope we create an amazing soundtrack together.

This song is for all my soul sisters out there... you know who you are :o)

I love you all!!!

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