Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Doughnuts are Gone!

Since I'm riding off my parent's wi-fi ... I figured now would be a good time to get in a few posts (and since granny is taking a nap). Today for my free-time I got in a pedicure, savored a beautiful salmon and caper crepe with creme fraiche (aka creme muy deliciouso) at a sweet little french cafe less than a block away from where I treated my feet. I sat and read a Parisian Patisserie book complete with color pictures of the heavenly morsels and the specialty cafes where you can purchase such decadence. The pastry counter looked like jewelry cases. Each bon bon and tarte exquisitely displayed like the sparkling gem that it is.

I thought that might be the topic for my next blog: French Pastries Dissected. Alas, who gives a crap how to make these things when you can simply buy and enjoy them in the heat of passionate instant gratification!? Am I right? Anywho... yesterdays jaunt to the yoga studio gave me renewed energy ~ enough to brave post-holiday shopping at Target to buy myself a miniature Buddha tabletop fountain. I had just been reading about Feng Shui and how a fountain is an excellent addition to a well-balanced space. That and removing all family, friends, or former-lover photos (napes there) from the bedroom. This will make room for a relationship and thus not intimidate your 'guest' in such quarters. Uh-oh! I knew there had been something I'd been doing wrong!

So to prove Feng Shui to be as powerful as it claims... I moved the photos yesterday and just this afternoon I was asked out to lunch on Friday. Sha-Boinga!!!!! Sorry mi familia, you're faces are in the hallway and that is where you shall stay.

Back in the homestead, Grams and I have been doing well. We've only argued a few times... all pertaining to the number of doughnuts or cookies left. She thinks I'm stealing her stash. All this time forgetting how many she herself has consumed. I only ate one, so how come there's only one left when I KNOW there was four to begin with. If I even start to go over it, she'll cut me off at the pass. You just can't win!

Well folks... Granny woke up, and is talking about cleaning a spot on the carpet that's been there for over a month. So I offer some wine and turned on Anderson Cooper. Since the doughnuts are gone, I'm gonna have to find another diversion. Wish me luck!

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