It's that time of year that I take my retreat to Encinitas. Ok, so this is only my second time doing it... but it feels like a ritual already. One of my friends told me to take a camera and record myself on the third day. That's what she did on her Indian ashram retreat on the 13th day of silence (or close to it)... and was ready to GET OUT!!!!
Later, she got very sick, could only find almonds to calm her tummy and then .... a crazy monkey stole her nuts! Isn't that always how it happens? When you're trying to be all spiritual and holy, something wickedly stupid and funny happens. Here's hoping ;)
I leave you with a little mini-poem thingy, koan, whatever... it's a response to my friend's blog about happiness.
Happiness cannot be gained or lost.
Happiness is.
Be in the moment, be happy.
Do not think
Do not try
Empty silence ~ full of hope
No need for gain, no need to lose.
It is, you are, we are
thanks for the poem-response on my happines blog! you are a gem. love angelstar