Saturday, April 3, 2010

A New Perspective

This last Christmas Eve, I had another dream. This time, Paramahansa Yogananda himself was there. He founded the Self-Realization Fellowship in 1920 and brought Kriya Yoga to the United States. The first time I'd ever heard of him was in Yoga Journal in an ad for Autobiography of a Yogi.

In my dream, Yogananda was very young looking, even younger than in the photo's I had seen of him. He looked timeless with brilliant terracotta tan skin, sparkling eyes, shining long black hair and a full-length orange robe.

We took a tour of the gardens. We walked the path that inclined a little with arching green trees and low hanging branches that looked like arms. Yogananda walked with me arm-in-arm and I couldn't stop talking. I tried to impress him with my knowledge of spirituality and all the while I kept telling myself to simply 'shut up' and listen to what my Master had to say.

There was a bit of fruit on the way in the trees and in baskets. He asked me if I would care for some. I said yes, so he picked up a pear and began to eat it. He took a few bites and then tossed it behind him before it was finished. I was a little shocked so I ran behind and picked up the pear, dusted it off, and took a few bites myself. Guruji told me there would be more and there wasn't a worry even though I thought it might be considered 'wasteful'. I carried the pear for a little while and then put it in the crux of a tree when I was satisfied.

He then spoke of perspective and told me to look ahead and tell him what I saw. I saw more of the garden, trees, branches and I felt anxious but also bored with what the scene. It was more of the same really. He told me to look to my left. To physically turn and just look. I looked and saw golden statues and figurines. It excited me, but there wasn't a path to it. Just a beautiful thing to look off at.

The dream ended shortly thereafter. Five days later, I gained a new perspective... through Sarah's eyes.

1 comment:

  1. when we dream, it is said that the right and left have meaning...left could be the past, or the inward, and right the future or is wonderful that you ate the fruit of the will spice your life
