Sunday, February 27, 2011

One Year ~ Through Sarah's Eyes

It has been just over one year since I've started this blog. It's a celebration and accomplishment to commit to writing something for an entire year. It was my goal, just like in Julie/Julia, to do this for a year and then see what happens next. Who knows... maybe publish a book?

Here comes the reflection part....I thought about how much I've changed, but then I realized I'm really more of myself. Gone back to my roots ~ writing, arting, playing, and enjoying my life. Mostly I've grown (actually shrunk 'cause I lost a few lbs), and now I'm on the lookout for those next lessons that life is eager to send my way. Hello delegation, self-worth, and taking it a day at a time!

I was going to write about how much I've traveled, the friends that have moved, silly Annie stuffs... but it doesn't appeal to me. Ya'll know me, have seen my facebook, and probably could go without a repeat.

What is cool about this blog is that I'm proud of it. I thought about what I set out to do... see if there is a connection between Sarah and I. The only way of really knowing that is to talk to her friends, listen to their stories and maybe compare our lives. But AJ already told me the key... we're SOUL SISTERS. She knew her very very well and of course we're connected. So why would I try to prove something that just is? Something that was already so beautifully stated. I guess I just wanted to know how.

What I do know is that we share a dream ~ to write and change the world.
  And I'm learning that I am... just by being myself ~ and that is enough.

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