Saturday, October 23, 2010

Peace Hero

Last weekend I had the privilege of seeing Jane Goodall up in San Francisco. She's a beautiful, tranquil, and powerful woman. Everything you thought she is an more. Admittedly, I thought she had passed away. Wouldn't that be embarrassing? 'Hi Jane, you're amazing, but I thought you were dead.'

Nope! She's very much alive, strong and extremely active for a 76-year-old. She travels 300 days out of the year promoting her institute and youth program ~ Roots & Shoots.

How did I meet miss Jane? Well, I got involved with an amazing organization called Kids for Peace. Every year they select a special person to give their 'Peace Hero Award'. This year, Jane won. She was up against some stiff competition such as Dwayne Johnson (aka THE ROCK).

She spoke to the kids, the adults, and to all of our hearts. Her message is to stop wars. Not just wars with each other, but the war on the environment. That big war that we all need to be aware of. It's what causes disease in all walks of life and poisons the food chain that we are all part of.

I saw the documentary, The Cove, that weekend. It's about the dolphin slaughter in Japan. The dolphins are killed because the government says that they are pests... eating too much of the fish, and not seeing the real problem! Overfishing. They justify the killing by providing free meat to the school children who then suffer from mercury poisoning. Makes you question ~ what is in the food we eat, the air we breath, the water we drink, the products we put on our bodies and in our hair? Coal tar found in anti-dandruff shampoos ~ not good for ya ~ just found out I need to switch mine.

So let us all be peace heros, to ourselves, our families, friends, communities and our environment. And feel free to share... Who is your Peace Hero? Living, dead, or even if you just thought they were dead... they all count.
My peace hero ~ Christiane Amanpour. If you watched the news coverage for Desert Storm during the early 90's you saw her for sure. She was a news correspondent for CNN and many other news networks. She's brave, intelligent, courageous, and when she speaks you trust her. Thank you, Miss Amanpour, for standing as a true force in the reporting and being honest in a dangerous world.

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