Monday, February 22, 2010

Through Sarah's Eyes

I turned 28 on December 18th this last year. In my nearly 3 decades on this planet, I have learned that death is perhaps the only thing that is for sure. Although I have heard this a million times before and inside I hear a voice yelling “ You’re being cliché!”… but there’s a reason why I brought it up. This last year, two of my uncles passed away as well a dear friend of the family. They shall be sorely missed, and I can’t think of a more important time in my life to take notice of the little things. Those tiny little moments, those rare and precious gifts that friends, parents, cousins, and even complete strangers give you. These gifts of kindness, love, selflessness, and even gratitude are collected in a shared memory box so that when this life is over, we can take that light into the next and the great beyond.

How this blog began:
On December 29, 2009 my friend, AJ, gave me a pair of Michael Kors sunglasses for Christmas. Rather, she handed them to me and asked if I wanted them. I stared at her. Ok, what woman in her right mind would be handing me a pair of gorgeous designer sunglasses that she supposedly doesn’t want.

What happened to them? Were they a gift from an ex-boyfriend? Are they somehow cursed like the Hope Diamond? Did they pass through someone’s body? So yeah, I asked her these questions. To the last one she answered, “No but close. If you take them, you can’t give them back.”

After moment of silence and some quick contemplation… I said yes. What could be so bad that I would turn these babies down?

AJ took a deep breath, and then told me the story.

“They were my friend’s sunglasses. She passed away this year from breast cancer. Her name was Sarah, and she was my soul sister.”

AJ tapped her head and chest with her open palms.

“I can tell that if you met her you would be too. I have their case and everything.”I asked her why she didn’t want them.

“Oh no! I do, but it’s just too emotional to have them around. I see them and it’s too much for me. After she passed, her husband sent me a box of her things and said to take what I wanted give away the rest. In his note, he said that when I wear them it would give me ‘Sarah-Vision’ guaranteed.

I felt honored, but I didn’t know this woman. What is Sarah Vision? I started thinking about all of the cool places she went; the beach, outdoor cafes, or a tropical vacation island. I started to think about what she looked like. Petite, cute short hair, very bubbly personality, active, hard to miss in a crowded room.

So this is what I know about Sarah:
She had good taste in sunglasses.
She had breast cancer and passed away in 2009.(I’m guessing she was pretty young.) She was survived by a husband.
She wanted her things to be passed along.
She was a soul sister to AJ.
And very importantly... we would have been soul sisters too.

Maybe it’s not too late?

If these glasses give the wearer ‘Sarah Vision’, whatever that may be, I’m bound to discover a new perspective. Immediately, inspiration hit. I have been dying (pardon the pun) to write a Blog, but I didn’t know what my topic would be. This gave me quite a lot to think about. I see this as an adventure and a great story yet to be written.

So here are my 3 questions:
What kind of changes can I make in my life seeing from another perspective? What would my soul sister like me to do with these fab glasses? Who can I share this experience with?

And there it is…

~Through Sarah's Eyes~

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