Over the Spring Break, I met my nephew for the first time. Just a quick flight to New York, and there I was in Auntie-ville. Can't tell you how many times I cried in such a short period of time. Just how emotional can one person be for crying-out-loud.... literally. With an face like this, who can blame me?
Also flying into town, the notorious K-I-R-A. My darling and quite hilarious cousin now hailing from North Carolina. I swear, every time we get together I dang near pee my pants. (Please don't make me recount our adventures at Clothes Time when I had to walk up the hill in wet shorts). When I was little, I used to pack an extra pair of underwear when I spent the night my cousins' house.
We shared diaper-changing duty, bath fun, and passing him back and fourth like a hot-potato for fussy-time right before a nap. Our hearts grew to the size of giant sequoias in an instant just looking at our little fella. He's quite the charmer.
Kira & Annie on the HighLINE |
Kira and I ventured to the High Line, a old raised train track turned into a park and promenade. We ate fab food over in the Upper-something side of Manhattan, and dove into Chelsea's Market just hoping for a look into the Food Network Headquarters.

Over the weekend, we got a chance to kidnap momma Lindsey (OMG my sister is a mother! I just realized that means she can officially celebrate Mother's Day). We went to the MET and even ran into a celebrity while we were there. Adam Savage from Myth Busters. For those who watch the show, but don't know which guy he is... he's the one without the handlebar mustache. For Easter we practiced the family tradition of stuffing plastic eggs with candy while Brian, Lindsey's husband, hid them for us inside their Queen's apartment. Normally we do this in a backyard somewhere, but it we'll take an egg hung any way we can get one. And yes... we're still hunting for Easter Eggs in our 30s. Despite the fact that we ate dim sum that morning, we still had room for excessive amounts of chocolate and jellybeans.
Just writing this is making me tear up again with all the pics and missing my 'Sweet Nugget' nephew. Wishing I could somehow fly to Queens just to give him a kiss goodnight. It's all good... big sista momma's coming to San Diego in August. I'm counting down the days. Only 4 months, 1 week, and 2 days left to go.