I went to my friend, Larry's, art studio tonight. He throws a show/opening about once a month at his unpretentious garage. I find it quite refreshing actually. His art uses clothing, wood, staples, newspaper, and heavy amounts of white paint. Once, he told me that friends give him clothing, towels, and other bits of fabric to create his mixed media pieces. It inspired me.
So last year I formed a crush on my self-defense instructor. Hey, it happens... and sadly I wasn't the only one. I threw a party in honor of my friend who was going into the Peace Corps and invited everyone from our defense class... including Mr. Dojo (my mom's nickname for him). He showed up with another girl... one from our class. Awkward!
He brought with him some cheese in this bloody bag. I don't know what came over me, but I wanted the stupid bag! It ended up being a gift to my friend going into the PC so she could use it at the local markets of her stationed country of Romania ... or whatever. A few days later she was going through her stuff and insisted I take the bag. 'You know you want it...' She was totally mocking me. Ok... she was right, but I acted as though she were forcing it upon me. I have my dignity!
I've used the friggin cheese bag for the last few months now and it's been quite useful. The bag and I had one last trip to Trader Joe's today and I decided it was time to let it go. If you've ever seen the movie Clueless and there's this scene when Britney Murphey (God rest her little soul) takes out a box of sentimental stuff that she had saved and accumulated over her crush, Elton. One thing was towel that he put ice in to revive her at a party, a Rolling With the Homies tape to commemorate a song played at said party, and a picture of the two of them together.
Point is, we all attach sentimental value to things. I do it all the time! Case and point: the sunglasses and this blog. And I'm speculating that it's how we as humans relate a lot of inanimate objects. It creates an emotional imprint or memory, and imbues the object with power. 'This belonged to my great aunt, Sophie' or whomever. 'It reminds me of the day I graduated college.' Bla bla ba... so it can be a good thing.
We also have those sentimental things that we'd like to get rid of, but don't want to burn or throw away. The woman sitting next to me totally resonated with my story and even had an old flanel shirt from an ex she would take out and wear once a year.
I thought of a few titles of the install and piece itself:
I wanted the guy, but all I got was this damn cheese bag.
Sentimental Bullshit ~ The Collection
The Ex-Factor
So here's my call to all of you... do you have something wyou've kept from an ex, unrequited love, crush, or even your own that reminds you of a time back when? If so, give it to me and it will be put to use in a fantastic artistic manor.
I find this to be quite healing...don't you?